Aromas of crushed blackberry, fig, menthol, tobacco leaf and nutty, chocolatey oak. Juicy, fine-grained and light on its feet, offering flavors of dark berries, fresh herbs, spices and chocolate. Lovely understated, energetic wine in an elegant Old World style. Finishes with sneaky length and dusty tannins that reach the incisors. By Baron Benjamin de Rothschild y Laurent Dassault
Aromas de amoras esmagadas, figos, hortelã, folha de tabaco e carvalho com notas a chocolate e nozes. Frutado, fino e ligeiro, com sabores de frutos silvestres, ervas frescas, especiarias e chocolate. Vinho belo e discreto, enérgico num estilo elegante Velho Mundo. Termina com comprimento sorrateiro e longo e taninos empoeirados que atingem os seus incisivos.
By Baron Benjamin de Rothschild y Laurent Dassault